min 10x to 1000x Return

Polkadot Killer

RaCoin is built as a "Polkadot killer" and aims to create a decentralized ecosystem with its own native token.

What is RaCoin


RaCoin has created a comprehensive platform that allows users to easily buy, sell, and trade NFTs and shares, participate in mining and staking activities, and play games..
RaCoin (RAC) serves as our fundamental token, representing a worldwide, decentralized, community-governed digital currency. Introduced in 2024, this token has garnered global acclaim, being embraced across numerous platforms and establishments, whether directly or via intermediary channels.

Buy Tokan
Main Features

The RaCoin Features

Explore the journey ahead with RaCoin! Gain knowledge about our schedule and upcoming plans. Allow our users to access all features in our one platform.


Artificial Intelligence

Build, deploy & monetize.

Fun & Challenging Gaming

Play the latest games from our gaming partners.


Create, sell & construct captivating scenes and interactive experiences.


Buy, Sell & Trade RaCoin.


Stake your RaCoin and earn huge rewards.


Mine your RaCoin and earn rewards in everyday.

Non-fungible token

Collect and complete your collection.


Write and participate in the latest world news with cryptos.


RaCoin Mission

RaCoin's goal is to bring like-minded people together and create meaningful connections across the diverse terrain of the virtual world..
Security: Ensuring user privacy and cultivating trust are of utmost importance..
Exploration: RaCoin encourages users to discover new interests and ideas.
Community: Building a strong and supportive community is at the heart of RaCoin.
Creativity: The platform provides a space for users to express themselves and collaborate.


Have Fun & Challenging Gaming.

Play the newest games from our renowned gaming partners and take part in competitions to take against the best players in the RaCoin community. For more fun and benefits, play games where you can earn points!

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RaCoin AI

AI agents can be programmed with logic to perform specific tasks.

Easily integrate the RaCoin API into your business application without any modifications, enabling seamless communication with RaCoin agents in just minutes.

AI agents demonstrate adaptability when interfacing with other agents. String together these AI agents to explore novel use cases and innovative business models.

AI agents are capable of generating inferences from a wide range of machine learning models, empowering you to monetize valuable insights gleaned from these analyses.

Mission & Vission

  • Core Functionality: Establish the core functionalities of RaCoin, whether it's the secure online forum/platform for the hidden corner concept or the secure and transparent transaction system for the cryptocurrency.
  • Community Building: Build a strong and engaged community around RaCoin. This could involve online forums, social media presence, or targeted marketing campaigns depending on the chosen concept.
  • Partnerships: Forge partnerships with relevant organizations or businesses. If RaCoin is a platform, this could involve creators or niche communities. For the cryptocurrency, this could involve online casinos or gambling platforms.

  • Product Development: Focus on continuous improvement and development of the RaCoin platform or cryptocurrency features. This could involve adding new functionalities, improving scalability, and enhancing security.
  • User Acquisition: Expand the RaCoin user base organically and through strategic marketing efforts. This could involve influencer marketing, content creation, or attending relevant conferences/events.
  • Ecosystem Building: Develop a comprehensive ecosystem around RaCoin. This could involve creating integrations with other platforms or services that complement RaCoin's purpose. For the platform, this could be integrations with creative tools or social media platforms. For the cryptocurrency, this could be integrations with popular online gambling wallets or exchanges.

  • Market Leadership: Solidify RaCoin's position as a leader in its chosen niche. This could involve achieving a dominant market share within the hidden corner platform space or becoming the preferred cryptocurrency for online gambling transactions.
  • Innovation: Continue to innovate and explore new frontiers. This could involve integrating cutting-edge technologies like blockchain or AI (Artificial Intelligence) to further enhance the RaCoin experience.
  • Sustainability: Ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the RaCoin project. This could involve implementing robust governance models, fostering a healthy community, and exploring new revenue streams.

Token Sale

Start Your Crypto Adventure: Join RaCoin's Token Sale Today. Take Your Spot in the Financial Future: Participate in RaCoin's Exclusive Token Sale and Unlock Opportunities!


1 USD = (1000 + 300 Bonus) RAC

30% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.001


1 USD = (667 + 167 Bonus) RAC

25% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.0015

Crowd-Sale Stage-1

1 USD = (500 + 100 Bonus) RAC

20% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.002

Crowd-Sale Stage-2

1 USD = (400 + 60 Bonus) RAC

15% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.0025

Crowd-Sale Stage-3

1 USD = (333.33 + 33.3 Bonus) RAC

10% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.003

Crowd-Sale Stage-4

1 USD = (250 + 12.5 Bonus) RAC

5% bonus, 1 RaCoin ~ $0.004

Token Sale & Distribution

Token sale and distribution play a pivotal role in the development and advancement of the project or platform associated with the tokens, as they provide essential funding necessary for research, development, marketing, operational expenses, and fostering partnerships critical for the project's growth and success..


RaCoin Roadmap


✅ Market Reasearch and Analysis
✅ Development
✅ Website Launch
✅ Social Media up and running
✅ Burn Liquidity
✅ White Paper
✅ Initial Marketing
✅ Token info and logo
✅ Write2earn
✅ Watch2earn
✅ Learn2earn
✅ Launch Lottery
✅ Launch Mining
✅ Launch Staking


⬜ CoinmarketCap Listing
⬜ CoinGecko Listing
⬜ List on Mexc
⬜ List on Gate.io
⬜ List on OKX
⬜ List on Kucoin
⬜ Marketing Campaign
⬜ Update Logo
⬜ Upgrade website
⬜ Big changes in website
⬜ Launch Gaming
⬜ Launch AI
⬜ Play2earn
⬜ List on major exchanges like Binance


⬜ Big announchment
⬜ Testing for Crypto wallet app
⬜ Public App release
⬜ New listing top 5 excenges
⬜ Token tracker DAPP
⬜ Launch Metaverse
⬜ Launch NFT Marketplace
⬜ Launch new features


Our Blog

Read the latest blog post for details information.


While RaCoin's growth to date has been impressive, it promises to be just the beginning for the RaCoin community. Concentrated efforts are underway to expand the ecosystem and RaCoin aims to become the premier community coin on the Web3.
